Mae dros 50,000 o bobl ifanc Cymru yn aelodau o Urdd Gobaith Cymru - yr unig fudiad ieuenctid gwirfoddol cwbl Gymreig yn y byd! There are over 50,000 young people in Wales who are members of Urdd Gobaith Cymru - the only totally Welsh voluntary youth movement in the world! Mae dros 1,500 o Adrannau ac Aelwydydd yr Urdd (yr enwau a arddelir ar glybiau'r Urdd) trwy Gymru. There are more than 1,500 Urdd Adrannau and Aelwydydd (the names given to the Urdd's clubs) throughout Wales. Amcangyfrifir fod dros 10,000 o wirfoddolwyr yn helpu i redeg canghennau a gweithgareddau'r Urdd trwy Gymru benbaladr. It is estimated that there are more than 10,000 volunteers who help to run Urdd branches and activities all over Wales. Mae'r Urdd wedi rhannu Cymru yn 16 Sir ac mae Swyddog Datblygu yn gyfrifol am weinyddu a datblygu gweithgareddau lleol a sirol yn eu hardaloedd. Yn ychwanegol i'r rhain mae tri pennaeth talaith - un yn y Gogledd, un yn y Canolbarth a'r llall yn y De. The Urdd has split Wales into 16 Counties and the Development Officer is responsible for administrating and developing local and county activities in their areas. In addition to this, there are three provincial heads - one in the North, one in Mid, and the other in South Wales £5.50 yw tâl aelodaeth yr Urdd am flwyddyn yn dechrau o fis Medi i fis Awst. £5.50 is the current annual membership fee for the Urdd, commencing from September to August.Mae bron pob cystadleuaeth Genedlaethol wedi cael ei chynnal ar raddfa Cylch a Rhanbarth i ddechrau cyn i'r buddugwyr fynd i gynrychioli eu Rhanbarthau yn y rowndiau terfynol. Nearly all of the National competitions are held on a Local and Regional level, before the winners go forward to represent their regions in the final rounds. Tymor yr Hydref a'r Gaeaf - dyma pryd y cynhelir y cystadlaethau chwaraeon yn y Rhanbarthau gan amlaf e.e. Gala Nofio, cystadlaethau pêl-droed, pêl-rwyd, hoci, pwl, tenis bwrdd, dartiau a rygbi. Autumn and Winter Terms - this is when the Regions' sports competitions are usually held e.g. Swimming Gala, football competitions, netball, pool, table tennis, darts and rugby. Tymor y Gwanwyn - bydd llawer o'r canghennau yn dechrau ymarfer er mwyn cystadlu yn Eisteddfodau lleol yr Urdd. Cynhelir tua 96 o Eisteddfodau Cylch ac 16 o Eisteddfodau Sir trwy Gymru yn ystod diwedd mis Chwefror a mis Mawrth ac amcangyfrifir y bydd dros 40,000 o aelodau'r Urdd wedi cymryd rhan yn yr Eisteddfodau yma! Spring Term - many branches will start practicing in order to compete in the Urdd's local Eisteddfodau. About 96 Local Eisteddfodau and 51 County Eisteddfodau are held throughout Wales during the end of February and March, and it is estimated that more than 40,000 Urdd members will have participated in these Eisteddfodau! Tymor yr Haf - ddiwedd mis Mai cynhelir Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd dros gyfnod o chwe niwrnod rhywle yng Nghymru.Wythnos fyrlymus llawn cyffro a hwyl - bydd angen wythnos o wyliau i ddod dros y profiad! Summer Term - The Urdd National Eisteddfod is held at the end of May over a period of six days somewhere in Wales. This is a busy week which is full of excitement and fun - you will need a week's holiday to get over the experience!
Gwersyll Haf - Cynhelir gwesylloedd haf yr Urdd yn ystod misoedd yr haf (Mehefin hyd ddiwedd Awst) yng Nglan-llyn a Llangrannog. Cyfle i brofi wythnos fythgofiadwy a gwneud llu o ffrindiau newydd mewn awyrgylch Gymreig. Summer Camp - The Urdd's Summer courses are held during the summer months (June to the end of August) in Glan-llyn and Llangrannog. It's an opportunity to enjoy a range of various activities, from rafting to ten-pin bowling, from riding to skiing-an unique opportunity to experience an unforgettable week, and to make many new friends in a Welsh environment. Teithiau cyfnewid - mae rhai o'r Siroedd yn trefnu ymweliadau tramor efo grwpiau ieuenctid o gefndiroedd diwylliannol gwahanol. Cyfle i werthfawrogi gwerthoedd gwahanol wledydd wrth ymweld a chymysgu â phobl ifanc a'u teuluoedd a chyfle i chithau eu croesawu hwy yn eu holau y flwyddyn ddilynol. Exchange visits - some Counties arrange foreign trips with youth groups from different cultural backgrounds. It's an opportunity to appreciate different values of countries through visiting and mixing with young people and their families, and also an opportunity to welcome them back the following year. Ymweliadau - trefnir ymweliadau trwy gydol y flwyddyn i wahanol lefydd e.e. trip i fowlio deg, sgïo, theatr, disgos a.y.b. Visits - visits are organised throughout the year to various places e.g. trips to ten-pin bowling centres, skiing, visits to the theatre, discos etc. Clybiau diddordeb - mae sawl gweithgaredd yn cael eu trefnu ar gyfer grwp o bobl ifanc sy'n rhannu'r un diddordebau e.e. clybiau drama, clybiau pêl-droed, clybiau drymiau dur a.y.b. Activities - many activities are organised for groups of young people who share the same interests e.g. drama clubs, football clubs, steel bands, clubs etc. Holwch eich Swyddog Datblygu lleol am ragor o fanylion am weithgareddau'r Urdd sy'n digwydd yn eich ardal chi, ynghyd â ble mae dod o hyd i'ch Adran/Aelwyd leol fel y gallwch ymaelodi. Ask your local Development Officer for further information about the Urdd's activities in your area, as well as where to find your local Adran/Aelwyd. Wyt ti eisiau perthyn i brif fudiad ieuenctid Cymru? Do you want to join Wales' biggest youth organisation? Am ragor o fanylion ynglyn â chofrestru, cysyllter â: For further information regarding registration: Swyddog Aelodaeth, Swyddfa'r Urdd, Ffordd Llanbadarn, Aberystwyth,Ceredigion, SY23 1EN Cymru, U.K. Ffôn/Phone: (01970) 613 102 Ffacs/Fax: (01970) 626 120 E-bost/E-mail: (RHAID BOD RHWNG 8 A 25 OED I FOD YN AELOD O'R URDD) (YOU MUST BE BETWEEN 8 AND 25 YEARS OLD TO BE A MEMBER OF THE URDD GOBAITH CYMRU)