Cynllun Gwlad Pwyl
Poland Project
Ymweliad a Cartref Plant yn Legnicia,
Gwlad Pwyl, Ebrill 2001
Visit to an orphange in Legnicia, Poland, April 2001

Hanes yr ymweliad
The visit
Wrth edrych ar y teledu wythnos diwethaf efallai bod rhai ohonoch wedi gweld criw o ddeg Urddaholic yng Ngwlad Pwyl ar raglen deledu ‘Ffeil’ a ‘Wales Today’.
After watching the tellyvision last week, maybe some of you saw a gang of ten Urddaholics in Poland, on 'Ffeil' and 'Wales Today'.

Ar fore’r 4ydd o Ebrill roedd pawb yn brysur yn llwytho bws mini Gwersyll Llangrannog ar gyfer y daith 20 awr i Legnicia, Gwlad Pwyl. Ar ôl wythnosau o godi arian, dros £4000 i gyd, roeddwn yn barod i gychwyn ein taith i gartref plant yn Legnica.
On the morning of the 4th of April, everyone was busy loading up the minibus ahead of the 20 hour bus journey to Legnicia, Poland. After weeks of fund raising (over £4000 in total), we were ready to start our journey to the orphanage in Legnicia.

Beth oedd pwrpas y daith?
The purpose of the journey

Yn syml roeddwn am fynd allan i aros mewn cartref i 67 o blant amddifad gyda’r bwriad o gymdeithasu, gwneud ffrindiau newydd a gwneud ychydig o waith gyda’r £4000 y codwyd. Wrth i’r bws mini gyrraedd y cartref sylweddolom yn syth bod eu croeso yn mynd i fod yn arbennig o gynnes.
Quite simply, our plan was to go to the orphanage which was home to 67 children, with the aim of socialising, making new friends, and to do some work with the £4000 raised. As the minibus reached the orphanage, we realised immediately that our welcome was going to be a warm one.

Roedd y plant yn blant amddifad ac roedd gan y cartref £10 y mis i ddilladau, bwydo ac addysgu’r plant. Er hyn roedd eu croeso a’u cyfeillgarwch yn arbennig. Cyn hir roeddent wedi dysgu criw yr urddaholics i gyfri ym Mhwyleg ,dweud helo, shwmai, nos da, diolch ac yn y blaen. Roeddent hyd yn oed yn ein dysgu i ganu (wel…trio canu ta beth!)
The children were orphans, and the orphanage had £10 a month to clothe them, feed them and to educate them. Despite this, their welcome was exceptional. Before long, they had taught the Urddaholics how to count in Polish, say hello, how are you, good night, thanks and so forth. They even taught us to sing (well tried to anyway)!

Hoffai criw yr Urddaholics ddiolch i bawb a wnaeth helpu gyda’r codi arian. Llwyddwyd i brynu cegin gyfan iddynt, cyfrifiaduron, peiriant llun gopïo, paent a rhoddion. Yn ogystal a hyn byddwn yn gallu eu gwahodd yn ôl i Langrannog dros yr haf.
The Urddaholics would like to thank everyone that helped to raise the money. We succeeded in bying a new kitchen, computers, a photocopying machine, paint and gifts. Also we can invite them to Llangrannog in the Summer.

Ar ôl y daith nododd un o’r Urddaholics:
"Wna i byth gymryd dim byd yn ganiataol eto."
Dyna oedd y teimlad cyffredinol ar ôl y daith gan bawb.
After the journey, one of the Urddaholics mentioned:
"I'll never take anything for granted again."
That was the general feeling everyone had.

Profiad bythgofiadwy a’r gobaith yw cyflawni taith debyg yn y dyfodol agos.
An unforgettable experience, and we hope to do something similar in the near future.
